Do Chikins Dream of Electric Cows?
Driving along rural roads, you expect to see a grazing cow or two. You do NOT expect to encounter 11 fiberglass cows—some sitting, some standing, some rearing up in apparent alarm—underneath an electrical tower.
But that’s what you’ll see if you venture down Klondike Road in Conyers, Georgia.
Why, oh why, are these cows in this spot?
There was no one around to ask, only a cache of mute construction materials. And our Internet sleuthing turned up nothing.
But Conyers is only about 30 miles from Atlanta, birthplace of Chick-fil-A. And one of the cows is standing next to a paint can and brush. Coincidence?
If you want to investigate for yourself, the Conyers Cow Tower is located at 3057 Klondike Road SW in Conyers, about 10 minutes off the Sigman Road exit on I-20.
Be warned: This unforgettable tableau may haunt your dreams.
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If you zoom in, you’ll see one cow appears to be getting ready to crush Fred’s skull.

This poor fella lost his ears but still can manage a friendly wave.

“They made us paint billboard after billboard, but they never taught us to spell!”
Fred’s Fantastical Fiction [1]Dear Chik-Fil-A, We eat at your establishment on every road trip. Just wanted you to know.

The cow explained, “We are the cows who expressed our belief that cows and chikins CAN be friends. Live and let live, MAN! And those Chik-Fil-A people sent us here. Tell the people our story, Fred. Let them know that we tried to be better.”
On many a lonely night, I think of her. And weep bitter tears.
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↑1 | Dear Chik-Fil-A, We eat at your establishment on every road trip. Just wanted you to know. |